2023-24 Indoor League Registration
What You Need to Know
With last season’s successful return to full operations and demand, GOV has decided to revert back to a full-year registration this fall. What does this mean?
When you register for the next indoor season, you will not only be registering for the fall, but for the entire fall AND winter indoor months.
When captains register their teams for September, they will be rostering a team for the entire fall AND winter months.
Optionally, registration fees will be due in 2 installments: half due at the time of initial registration, and the remaining half by November 30, 2023.
Registration will be opening earlier than normal. This will inform us sooner should the need exist to attempt to find additional gym space and expand team registration.
Although we do not anticipate similar capacity pressures as we saw this past Summer, we continue to look to for additional gym space to expand capacity as much as possible.
Registration will be on a first come, first served basis.
Registration Details
When: Registration opens on August 20, 2023, at 8PM
Cost: $1,080 per team for the entire indoor season ($540 due at registration, second instalment of $540 due by November 30, 2023)
Registration link: www.govleague.ca/register
Format: 6 vs. 6
Only captains need to register their teams
Captains must have at least 4 team members to roster at time of registration to be allowed to complete their registration
Upcoming Indoor League Events
MARK YOUR CALENDARS – More details to Come
September 6: Indoor League Social Meet & Greet, and Captains meeting
September 13: Team Formation Event (for teams looking for players / players looking to join teams)
September 27: First Wednesday Indoor League games