Registration opens tonight!

GOV is excited to announce that registration for 3 exciting April events will launch today (Friday, March 24)! 

Special Monday Skills and Drills (Monday, April 10 at Carleton University)

  • To make Skills and Drills programming more accessible, this Monday session will focus on developing the first three contacts, serving and setting.

  • This Skills and Drills will take part at Carleton University’s Norm Fenn gym from 7-9pm. 

  • Cost: $10 per person

  • Note: This Monday Skills and Drills event will run with some overlap to regular Monday Drop-In programming. 

Single Day Tournaments (Saturday April 29 / Sunday April 30 at Rideau Sports Centre)

  • Saturday Showdown (Saturday, April 29): This single day tournament is catered to beginner and intermediate individuals (levels 1-5 in the Player Portal) who are seeking to work on their game in a tournament setting that includes peer mentorship.  

  • Sunday Scrambler (Sunday, April 30): For advanced players (levels 6-10 in the Player Portal).  Teams will need to register in pairs.  These teams of 2 will scrambled together with other teams throughout the day (making 6-on-6 games).

  • Cost for either tournament: Listed on the player portal

  • Note: To ensure access to as many GOV members as possible, registration will be made available for only 1 of the Single Day Tournaments per player.

GOV Partnership with Ten Oaks Project (Monday, April 10 at Rideau Sports Centre)

  • In addition three courts of regular drop-in at RSC and skills development at Carleton U, GOV will be hosting its second youth (under 18) skills development and drop-in session on the front court at RSC, in partnership with Ten Oaks Project. Volunteers may be recruited to help support the event.

Please look out for registration for these exciting April events on the GOV Player Portal.  Registration will open today at 6PM.  

Hope to see many of you there!
Your GOV team


Volleyballooza! - Save the Date
